PCA8574 I2C IO expansion board module
Paplašināšanas modulis I2C - 8 bit / PCA8574AD
I2C 8-bit I/O expander module, PCA8574AD modulis ļauj palielināt portu skaits io 16 , izmantojot I2C autobusu. Modulis ir caurejoša pieslēgums, kas ļauj izmantot vairākus moduļus vienlaicīgi (līdz 8 moduļiem). Modulis ir labi sevi ir pierādījis, veidojot gaismas paneļi ar lielu led. Šo moduli var kļūt par neaizstājamu palīgu, veidojot savus projektus, izmantojot lielu skaitu rezultātu. Lai darbu ar moduli ir nepieciešams izmantot bibliotēku Wire I2C.
If you just don't have enough digital I/O pins on your Arduino to interface with all your sensors and controls, you might want to look at using the I2C bus to connect a few port expander chip PCA8574AD have 8 digital I/O bits and can be set to addresses 0x38-0x3F respectively.
The I2C bus on the Arduino uses SCL, SDA, a couple of pull up resistors and the Wire library.
You can connect more expander module. More 8 modules. Just change adress of each module.
On back side of board have instruction.
If you need more connecting modules, pls cut off the connection of pull-up resistor on back side of board. Only 1 board need pull-up resistor.