10 Segment 4 Color LED Battery Level Bar
10 Segment 4 Color LED Battery Level Bar

10 Segment 4 Color LED Battery Level Bar

10-segmentu 4-krāsu baterijas uzlādes indikators

10 vienības:
0,90 €


This is battery level and power display module. It contains 10 segments inside the LED, two of which are red, three are yellow, four are green, and the other one is blue.


  • It is suitable for battery indicators and you can read it in the sun.
  • Color: red, yellow, green, blue
  • Pin pitch: 2.54mm
  • Number of pins: 20
  • Forward voltage: the red LED is 2.5V,yellow one is 2.0V, green one is 2.8V, blue one is 3.0V
  • Forward Current: 15mA (max)
  • Reverse voltage: 5V (max)
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