Kursorsviru - modulis
Kursorsviru - modulis
Kursorsviru - modulis
Kursorsviru - modulis
Kursorsviru - modulis
Kursorsviru - modulis

Kursorsviru (9 pin)

Divu ass XY kursorsviru Arduino (modulis) 

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3,90 €


PS2 game joystick module using biaxial button on PS2 gamepad original company quality metal button joystick potentiometer, analog output modules Road and one ad hoc digital output interface, the output value corresponding to (X, Y) pairs axis offset, the type of analog; button indicates whether the user pressed the Z-axis, the type of digital switch. Module integrated power indicator can display the working status; coordinate identifiers clear, concise, accurate positioning; using it can easily control object (such as two degrees of freedom steering head) movement in two dimensions, it can be programmed through the For arduino controller, sensor expansion board plug complete with remote interactive creative works.

  • Quality rocker, long life, stable performance
  • Two analog outputs, digital outputs
  • X, Y-axis output of two potentiometers can be read through the AD converter twist angle
  • Press down on the joystick, touch switches can be deployed all the way, as a digital output, has a pull-up
  • Applies to two degrees of freedom, or other remote PTZ control servo proportional control
  • Applicable to ar duino platform compatible ar duino sensor interface
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