Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)
Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)

Mini560 DC-DC (3.3v 5v 9v 12v)

DC-DC buck converter

Izejas spriegums
  • 3.3V
  • 5V
  • 9V
  • 12V
9 vienības:
2,50 €


It is currently the most powerful stabilizer in its class "Mini". With its modest size, it can deliver a maximum current of up to 5 A. And due to its high efficiency, it almost does not heat up. Under certain conditions, its efficiency can reach incredible 99%. For higher reliability, in this converter it was decided to abandon the trimming resistor, replacing it with a divider of two constant resistors. Below is a description of how to change the output voltage to any other voltage from 3 to 18 V. To reduce the no-load current, the LED indicator is intentionally not connected by the manufacturer. This is not permissible with battery power. The indicator is connected by closing the contact pad next to the LED. Also for use in battery power and to significantly reduce the quiescent current, an electronic shutdown of the module is provided. If you do not need this function, then it will not interfere with the standard use of the board.

Mini-560 specifications

Chip JW5068A
Conversion type pulse-width
Conversion frequency 500 kHz
Maximum efficiency 98%
Input voltage 6.7 ... 20 V
Output voltage 3-18V
No-load current in "on" mode 2 mA
Rated current 4 A
Maximum current 5 A
Operating temperature range -40 ° ... + 85 °
Switchable LED indicator Yes
Input for software on / off stabilizer Yes
Dimensions (edit) 30 x 18 x 5.5 mm

If you need to change the output voltage in the range from 3 V to 18 V, then it is enough to replace the resistor indicated by the arrow in the diagram with a trimming resistor and adjust the required voltage at the output.

If you need to obtain a standard voltage, then it is enough to replace the indicated resistor according to the table

3.3V 4.53 k Ohm
5 in 7.5 kΩ
9 in 14.3 k Ohm
12 in 19.1 k Ohm

9 vienības:
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