1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator
1S 2S 3S 4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator

4S Lithium Battery Capacity LED Indicator

Uzlādes indikators

1 Vienība
2,00 €

  • 1.Intelligent electricity quantity display board;slightly push trigger switch,it will auto power off after 3 seconds display
  • 2.Static power consumption 2.3MA,and it can be disregarded
  • 3.Plug-in indicator light color:25% red,other 3 pcs are green
  • 4.Application Fields:battery electricity quantity detecting;only needs to connect seperately battery's positive and negative with electricity quantity board's positive and negative;slightly push trigger switch,then it can be able to detect current electricity quantity.4 LEDs will divide battery comprehensive capacity into 4 phases;slightly push the switch,electricity quantity will be shown

1S: Display indication:25% first light is on(voltage:3.4V);50% second light is on (voltage:3.6V);75% third light is on (voltage:3.8V);100% fourth light is on (voltage:4V)
2S: Display indication:25% first light is on(voltage:6.6V);50% second light is on (voltage:7V);75% third light is on (voltage:7.5V);100% fourth light is on (voltage:8V)  
3S: Display indication:25% first light is on(voltage:10.4V);50% second light is on (voltage:11V);75% third light is on (voltage:11.5V);100% fourth light is on (voltage:12.4V)    
4S: Display indication:25% first light is on(voltage:13.8V);50% second light is on (voltage:14.5V);75% third light is on (voltage:15V);100% fourth light is on (voltage:16.2V)  

1 Vienība
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